
While waiting for Settha 1's Cabinet, which should be able to propose appointments within September 2023, we will analyze that This government policy Will you be punished? With the real estate business or not, we must go back and look at the land and housing policies that the leading party has established this time. He had been campaigning for what outstanding policies he had. He would have to start with the Pheu Thai Party first, because in addition to being Prime Minister, Mr. Settha would also hold the position of Minister of Finance himself, allegedly in order to have confidence. Convenient in issuing economic policies Especially the 10,000 baht digital currency and other policies that affect people's lives more effectively.


Source: Nation Online, information as of 28 August 2023


Pheu Thai Party has a policy to expedite the issuance of title deeds, amend laws, prove rights to acquire 50 million rai of land, and increase green space throughout the country.


1. Every citizen must have their own land. every farmer household There will be enough land to eat.

2. Proceed with the issuance of title deeds to the people of 50 million rai of land plots in conflict. to become agroforestry land Every tree has a price.

3. The title deed land will be used as green space. To solve the problem of global warming Leading to carbon neutrality and generate income from carbon credits

which overall, the policy of the Pheu Thai Party It is a solution to the agricultural land problem. and is mainly agriculture rather than housing policy for urban people. There hasn't been any concrete policy in this area yet.

Bhumjaithai Party The second party policy of this government is to adopt a tourism policy that can continue.

leading to regional urban development and infrastructure development Including the Wellness Resort of The World policy to preserve the main city. Secondary city restoration Push Thailand to be a destination for healing, resting, and rehabilitating the body and mind of the world's population. There is also a policy to build a Landbridge between the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman. Raise the country's transportation level Push electric buses to reduce PM 2.5 and will change the entire public transportation system. to become an electric train within 3 years

Ruam Thai Sang Chat Party There is a housing development policy that continues from the government of Gen. Prayut. There is the Prachasuk House project, with the goal of building 100,000 public houses within 5 years, along with a policy to support loans for a million homes. For low income earners, Phase 3, Baan Mankong Project. Along the Prem Prachakorn Canal, the Din Daeng Flats Rehabilitation Project Phase 2, moving forward with the development of EEC infrastructure, the 4 new economic corridors, and solving the problem of having land to farm, not being evicted, not being sued.

Palang Pracharath Party There is a project policy. Happy retirement home for elderly people of retirement age Building a green smart city The EEC special development model has been extended to other regions, such as Isaan 4.0, Lanna 4.0 and Khwan 4.0, livable city creation projects. Close to home, there is work to be done with the concept of 15 main cities and 15 secondary cities, trying to get people to participate in infrastructure development. building a residence Business district development Including creating a green city. Arrangement of land rights for farmers

From considering the policies of the 4 leading parties in forming the government It must be said that the policy is almost in the same direction, with 2 main approaches to the policy, divided into

- If it is a rural area, they will come out with guidelines for organizing land ownership and reducing global warming to satisfy their vote base. In the provinces where agriculture and farmers are still the main voting base. It is impossible to lack policies to please the grassroots.

- If it is a voice base in the city It will be a policy to build housing for low-income people. and building housing for poor people in various cities, as well as policies that have both a private base, namely the creation of various public utilities that support both investment and provide convenience for people. City residents face traffic congestion. And the cost of day travel is currently among the highest in the world. It should probably scoop up quite a few votes from the people of the city.


Overall, it is considered that the policy of the leading party It should be beneficial to both investors in the real estate sector and

People at almost every level of the country Especially those with low incomes to have your own home, but having said that, at present doing real estate business requires permission from many ministries, bureaus, departments, and Thai government agencies. Doing each project You must contact at least 10-20 government agencies. For example, starting with a condominium project, you must begin by requesting a construction permit from Bangkok. EIA license from the Office of the National Environmental Commission (NHL), Ministry of the Treasury. If there is a connecting route, it depends on which agency's authority is that route. The same is true for connecting drainage pipes. Expanding the electrical area requires electricity. Ask for tap water, tap water. If there is a road or government land blocking the front of the land and the project wants to go onto a public road, there are both. State Railway of Thailand (SRT) Metropolitan Rapid Transit Authority (MRTA) ) or various government properties and must check carefully to see if those agencies really give permission or not. As in the case of the Ashton Asoke project, it can be seen as a lesson that there are problems. And if everything is completed in the end, it must be transferred to the customer. You have to go to the land office. Under the Ministry of Interior Using the assessed value of the Ministry of Finance to pay taxes and various fees, it can be seen that each step is complicated and costs a lot of time and expenses. The private sector has also been asking for one stop service for more than 30 years without any success. No government responded. It is still doubtful that this cannot be done. Because it really can't be done, government agencies only say that the law is different. We have to solve the mess. He doesn't have the power to do that much, or really, it's better to make it complicated like this. It will have a convenient way to earn a living. Land under the Ministry of Interior Using the assessed value of the Ministry of Finance to pay taxes and various fees, it can be seen that each step is complicated and costs a lot of time and expenses. The private sector has also been asking for one stop service for more than 30 years without any success. No government responded. It is still doubtful that this cannot be done. Because it really can't be done, government agencies only say that the law is different. We have to solve the mess. He doesn't have the power to do that much, or really, it's better to make it complicated like this. It will have a convenient way to make a living. Land under the Ministry of Interior Using the assessed value of the Ministry of Finance to pay taxes and various fees, it can be seen that each step is complicated and costs a lot of time and expenses. The private sector has also been asking for one stop service for more than 30 years without any success. No government responded. It is still doubtful that this cannot be done. Because it really can't be done, government agencies only say that the law is different. We have to solve the mess. He doesn't have the power to do that much, or really, it's better to make it complicated like this. It will have a convenient way to make a living. Government agencies only say that the law is different. We have to solve the mess. He doesn't have the power to do that much, or really, it's better to make it complicated like this. It will have a convenient way to earn a living. Government agencies only say that the law is different. We have to solve the mess. He doesn't have the power to do that much, or really, it's better to make it complicated like this. It will have a convenient way to earn a living.


Therefore, this type of coalition government As a result, agencies involved in the real estate business are scattered according to each party's quota. causing a lack of unity in working further The opportunity for true integration appears to be difficult. Some people say that this time is a good opportunity for developers because Prime Minister Settha is a former developer and understands this. It would solve the problem right away without wasting time explaining. Which, if you're really serious, maybe you can do it. But the other side of the coin is that Prime Minister may not dare touch these matters at all. Because there are probably people waiting to find fault. Change the law to benefit yourself and your friends. It must be continued to find out. Will it be heads or tails this time?


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